Of course, everything depends on your particular character; the instance above assumes you're investing a lot of money into Shadow skills. If not, you might need to WoW cataclysm Gold change things up slightly, using spells such as Inner Fire, Smite, or even Renew acting as a sort of shield.

Group PVE Technique

This is sort of a simple decision. The goal is to keep the party members alive by using the healing powers you possess, however you'll need to be cautious, as the mobs are drawn to healers, and might be tempted to attack you if apply your healing powers frequently or too fast. Also, it is not recommended to heal players until they're at about half of their life bar (unless you're fighting foes with the potential of dealing rapid with damage). You should also stay with Flash Heal for the most part because it's quick, low-casting and provides a decent quantity of healing. This can help you manage your stress and keep danger from moving away from your Warcraft but still let you revert to more powerful heals if needed.

There's nothing quite as thrilling as naked dancing on a long flight of zeppelins.

Beyond healing for pure purposes, however you'll need to keep your buffs under control as necessary. A Powerword: Shield will, of obviously, a great option to guard a member who is about to die however, aggression isn't always easy to manage. Alongside healing and debuffs, you can also apply debuffs, like Hex of Weakness and Touch of Weakness to decrease the power of your opponent's attacks. You'll be able to cast direct damage spells like Mind Blast, Smite, and Shadow Word: Pain, however, in general you should not use these spells unless facing easy opponents or your group really requires the extra damage. However, against most mobs, the additional damage will not be worth the risk of drawing aggro.

If you get aggro during an in-group fight, you'll need to immediately click the Fade switch to have a break from the healing. It's easy to attract at the eye of mobs particularly in fights that involve many enemies. So you can use Fade when you begin to gain aggro. You can constantly use it once the  buy WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold cooldown has expired or whenever a enemy appears to be threatening you. The effect is usually to cause your threat to decrease enough to trigger the mob to shift to tank mode; provided you don't get completely insane when it comes to healing (which can be an indication that you're an unprofessional priest or your team is not well-organized) it is possible to manage aggro pretty well using Fade.

One-on-One PVP Technique