anti-uv pet bottle is a kind of plastic bottle for packaging various liquids, because of its high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and other characteristics, widely used in beverage, food and other industries. However, during storage and transportation, the following points need to be noted:

First of all, anti-uv pet bottle packaging can not be used under excessive high temperature conditions, otherwise it will release harmful substances, endangering human health. For example, in the closed car in the summer, such as the stove and other high temperature environment. Therefore, during storage and transportation, anti-uv pet bottles should be avoided by exposing them to high temperatures, especially in the summer.

Secondly, the printing surface of the anti-uv pet bottle is the part of consumers' attention. The printing surface should be smooth and continuous; If the plastic bottle contains a handle, groove, reinforcement and other structures, the design should be careful not to cause inconvenience to the printing operation. When designing extrusion, filling and other processes, the integrity of the printing surface should be considered to avoid damage to the printing surface due to improper processes, affecting product quality and beauty.

Thirdly, the anti-uv pet bottle should avoid contact with harmful substances, such as corrosive liquids and organic solvents, during storage and transportation. These substances will have a corrosive effect on the anti-uv pet bottle, affecting its service life and quality. Therefore, during storage and transportation, anti-uv pet bottles should be isolated from harmful substances to avoid contact.

Then, the anti-uv pet bottle should avoid collision and extrusion during storage and transportation. Collision and extrusion will cause deformation and rupture of anti-uv pet bottle, which will affect its use effect and quality. Therefore, in the storage and transportation process, appropriate protective measures should be taken, such as the addition of buffer materials, the use of special transport tools, etc., to avoid collision and extrusion.

In short, when storing and transporting anti-uv pet bottles, attention should be paid to avoid high temperature environment, protect the printed surface, avoid contact with harmful substances, avoid collision and extrusion. Only by doing these precautions can we ensure the quality and use effect of anti-uv pet bottle, and provide consumers with better products and services.

anti-uv pet bottle